Chip 1997 December
CHIP Turkiye Aralık 1997.iso
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INI File
919 lines
1 06MMFLT // Tool reference
2 13 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 0.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
30 40.0 // Feed rate
31 20.0 // Plunge rate
32 5000 // Spindle speed
33 NONE // Material
40 100 // Starting sequence number
41 2 // Sequence number increment
42 0 // Program number
50 0 // Coolant
60 0 // Linear array: X axis: Steps
61 0.0 // Linear array: X axis: Distance
62 0 // Linear array: Y axis: Steps
63 0.0 // Linear array: Y axis: Distance
64 0 // Depth cuts: Rough: Steps
65 0.0 // Depth cuts: Rough: Distance
66 0 // Depth cuts: Finish: Steps
67 0.0 // Depth cuts: Finish: Distance
70 0.01 // Roll around sharp corners
71 // Rotary axis
72 0.0 // Rotary axis diameter
101 1 // Infinite look-ahead (0 = no, 1 = yes)
102 0 // Entry line is perpendicular (0 = no, 1 = yes)
103 0.0 // Entry line length
104 0.0 // Entry arc radius
105 1.5707963268 // Entry arc angle in radians
106 0 // Number of roughing cuts
107 0.0 // Rough cut spacing
108 1 // Number of finish cuts
109 0.0 // Finish cut spacing
110 0.02 // Linearization tolerance
111 0 // Contour depth is incremental (0 = no, 1 = yes)
112 0.0 // Incremental contour depth
113 0.1 // Maximum depth variance
114 1 // Finish all (0 = no, 1 = yes)
1 06MMFLT // Tool reference
2 13 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 0.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
30 40.0 // Feed rate
31 20.0 // Plunge rate
32 5000 // Spindle speed
33 NONE // Material
40 100 // Starting sequence number
41 2 // Sequence number increment
42 0 // Program number
50 0 // Coolant
60 0 // Linear array: X axis: Steps
61 0.0 // Linear array: X axis: Distance
62 0 // Linear array: Y axis: Steps
63 0.0 // Linear array: Y axis: Distance
64 0 // Depth cuts: Rough: Steps
65 0.0 // Depth cuts: Rough: Distance
66 0 // Depth cuts: Finish: Steps
67 0.0 // Depth cuts: Finish: Distance
70 0.01 // Roll around sharp corners
71 // Rotary axis
72 0.0 // Rotary axis diameter
100 0 // Drill cycle
102 0 // Initial height is incremental (0 = no, 1 = yes)
103 5.0 // Incremental initial height
104 0 // Reference height is incremental (0 = no, 1 = yes)
105 3.0 // Incremental reference height
106 0 // Drill depth is incremental (0 = no, 1 = yes)
107 0.0 // Incremental depth
108 3.0 // First peck increment
109 2.5 // Subsequent peck increment
110 0.2 // Peck clearance
111 0.03 // Retraction distance
112 0.0 // Dwell
113 25.0 // Absolute initial height
114 0.25 // Absolute reference height
115 0 // Adjust depth per drill tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
115 2.0594885173 // Drill tip angle in radians
1 06MMFLT // Tool reference
2 13 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 0.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
30 40.0 // Feed rate
31 20.0 // Plunge rate
32 5000 // Spindle speed
33 NONE // Material
40 100 // Starting sequence number
41 2 // Sequence number increment
42 0 // Program number
50 0 // Coolant
60 0 // Linear array: X axis: Steps
61 0.0 // Linear array: X axis: Distance
62 0 // Linear array: Y axis: Steps
63 0.0 // Linear array: Y axis: Distance
64 0 // Depth cuts: Rough: Steps
65 0.0 // Depth cuts: Rough: Distance
66 0 // Depth cuts: Finish: Steps
67 0.0 // Depth cuts: Finish: Distance
70 0.01 // Roll around sharp corners
71 // Rotary axis
72 0.0 // Rotary axis diameter
300 0 // Cutting method (0 = zig zag, 1 = spiral inside out, 2 = spiral outside in)
301 0.0 // Roughing angle
302 4.5 // Roughing step size
304 0 // Number of finish passes
305 0.0 // Finish pass step size
307 1 // Entry line is perpendicular (0 = no, 1 = yes)
310 0.0 // Entry line length
311 0.0 // Entry arc radius
312 1.5707963268 // Entry arc angle in radians
313 1 // Machine by region (0 = no, 1 = yes)
314 0 // Finish allowance
315 0 // Use additional finish parameters (0 = no, 1 = yes)
316 0 // Break arcs (0 = full circles, 1 = arcs, 2 = lines)
317 0.02 // Chordal deviation for breaking arcs into lines
320 1.5707963268 // Maximum angle for breaking arcs into arcs
321 0 // Optimize finish passes
330 0 // Tapered wall pocketing (1=yes, 0=no)
331 0.0523598775 // Tapered wall pocketing: Base taper angle in radians
332 0.0523598775 // Tapered wall pocketing: Island taper angle in radians
333 0.0 // Tapered wall pocketing: Initial Z
334 -25.0 // Tapered wall pocketing: Final Z
335 -6.0 // Tapered wall pocketing: Z step
350 0 // Finish: Cutter compensation in control (0 = no, 1 = yes)
351 0.0 // Finish: Roll around sharp corners
353 NONE // Finish: Material
354 03MMFLT // Finish: Tool reference
355 1 // Finish: Tool number
356 1 // Finish: Tool diameter offset number
357 1 // Finish: Tool length offset number
360 3.0 // Finish: Tool diameter
361 0.0 // Finish: Amount of stock to leave
362 125.0 // Finish: Feed rate
363 62.5 // Finish: Plunge rate
364 5000 // Finish: Spindle speed
365 0 // Finish: Coolant
366 30.0 // Finish: Rapid depth
367 0.0 // Finish: Home position x
370 0.0 // Finish: Home position y
371 0.0 // Finish: Home position z
372 1 // Finish: Fillet for cutter compensation in control
380 0 // Helix: 0 = off, 1 = on
381 12.0 // Helix: maximum radius
382 0.0523598775 // Helix: ramp angle in radians
383 0.5 // Helix: maximum error
384 0 // Helix: 0 = CW, 1 = CCW
385 0.5 // Helix: xy clearance
386 12.0 // Helix: depth
387 0 // Helix: 0 = plunge to start, 1 = rapid to start
388 0.0 // Ramp direction
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
30 40.0 // Feed rate
31 20.0 // Plunge rate
32 5000 // Spindle speed
33 NONE // Material
40 100 // Starting sequence number
41 2 // Sequence number increment
42 0 // Program number
50 0 // Coolant
100 1 // Use chordal deviation (0 = no, 1 = yes)
101 0 // Cutting method
102 0 // Cutting direction
103 1.25 // Along distance
104 1.25 // Across distance
105 0.02 // Chordal deviation
106 0.02 // Scallop height
107 0 // Zig-Zag vectors: 1=yes, 0=no
108 0.0 // Zig-Zag vectors: Angle in radians
109 10.0 // Zig-Zag vectors: Length
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
200 0.0 // Cut angle
204 0.02 // Chordal deviation
205 1.25 // Stepover distance
208 0 // Cutting method: 0=zigzag, 1=one way
210 1 // Display offset intersections: 0=no, 1=yes
221 0 // Short gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken
223 0 // Prompt for start point: 0=no, 1=yes
226 0 // Use check surfaces: 0=no, 1=yes
227 0.0 // Stock to leave on check surfaces
228 0 // Prompt for tool center boundary: 0=no, 1=yes
229 2 // Long gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
230 2 // Long gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
238 1 // Short gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken
239 0.2 // Maximum short gap (along cut) as percentage of tool diameter
240 1.0 // Sharp corner tolerance as percentage of chordal deviation
241 1.1 // Maximum short gap (between cuts) as percentage of stepover
242 3 // Tool roll control: 0-between surfaces, 1-all edges, 2-all, if tool center bdy used
1 10MMFLT // Tool reference
2 25 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 10.0 // Tool diameter
6 0.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
200 0.0 // Cut angle
204 0.2 // Chordal deviation
205 6.0 // Stepover distance
208 0 // Cutting method: 0=zigzag, 1=one way
210 1 // Display offset intersections: 0=no, 1=yes
221 0 // Short gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken
223 0 // Prompt for start point: 0=no, 1=yes
226 0 // Use check surfaces: 0=no, 1=yes
227 0.0 // Stock to leave on check surfaces
228 0 // Prompt for tool center boundary: 0=no, 1=yes
229 2 // Long gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
230 2 // Long gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
233 1 // Allow negative z motion along surface: 0=no, 1=yes
234 1 // Allow positive z motion along surface: 0=no, 1=yes
235 0 // Plunge control: 0=multiplunge, 1=cut from one side, 2=cut from both sides
238 1 // Short gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken
239 0.2 // Maximum short gap (along cut) as percentage of tool diameter
240 1.0 // Sharp corner tolerance as percentage of chordal deviation
241 1.1 // Maximum short gap (between cuts) as percentage of stepover
242 3 // Tool roll control: 0-between surfaces, 1-all edges, 2-all, if tool center bdy used
403 1 // Z depth control: 0: absolute, 1:incremental
404 0.2 // Incremental top clearance
405 0.2 // Incremental bottom stock
407 0.0 // Absolute top depth
408 -30 // Absolute bottom depth
410 2.0 // Z stepdown
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
204 0.02 // Chordal deviation
208 0 // Cutting method: 0=zigzag, 1=one way
210 1 // Display offset intersections: 0=no, 1=yes
221 0 // Short gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken
226 0 // Use check surfaces: 0=no, 1=yes
227 0.0 // Stock to leave on check surfaces
228 0 // Prompt for tool center boundary: 0=no, 1=yes
229 2 // Long gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
230 2 // Long gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
238 1 // Short gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken
239 0.2 // Maximum short gap (along cut) as percentage of tool diameter
240 1.0 // Sharp corner tolerance as percentage of chordal deviation
241 1.1 // Maximum short gap (between cuts) as percentage of stepover
242 3 // Tool roll control: 0-between surfaces, 1-all edges, 2-all, if tool center bdy used
613 0.0 // Start angle (degrees)
615 1 // Start position: 0=inside, 1=outside
616 0.2 // Start offset distance
618 360.0 // Sweep angle (degrees)
619 1.0 // Angular stepover (degrees)
1 10MMFLT // Tool reference
2 25 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 10.0 // Tool diameter
6 0.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
204 0.2 // Chordal deviation
208 0 // Cutting method: 0=zigzag, 1=one way
210 1 // Display offset intersections: 0=no, 1=yes
221 0 // Short gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken
226 0 // Use check surfaces: 0=no, 1=yes
227 0.0 // Stock to leave on check surfaces
228 0 // Prompt for tool center boundary: 0=no, 1=yes
229 2 // Long gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
230 2 // Long gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
238 1 // Short gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken
239 0.2 // Maximum short gap (along cut) as percentage of tool diameter
240 1.0 // Sharp corner tolerance as percentage of chordal deviation
241 1.1 // Maximum short gap (between cuts) as percentage of stepover
242 3 // Tool roll control: 0-between surfaces, 1-all edges, 2-all, if tool center bdy used
403 1 // Z depth control: 0: absolute, 1:incremental
404 0.2 // Incremental top clearance
405 0.2 // Incremental bottom stock
407 0.0 // Absolute top depth
408 -30 // Absolute bottom depth
410 2.0 // Z stepdown
613 0.0 // Start angle (degrees)
615 1 // Start position: 0=inside, 1=outside
616 0.2 // Start offset distance
618 360.0 // Sweep angle (degrees)
619 1.0 // Angular stepover (degrees)
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
200 0.0 // Cut angle
204 0.02 // Chordal deviation
205 1.25 // Stepover distance
210 1 // Display offset intersections: 0=no, 1=yes
221 0 // Short gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken
223 0 // Prompt for start point: 0=no, 1=yes
226 0 // Use check surfaces: 0=no, 1=yes
227 0.0 // Stock to leave on check surfaces
228 0 // Prompt for tool center boundary: 0=no, 1=yes
229 2 // Long gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
239 0.2 // Maximum short gap (along cut) as percentage of tool diameter
240 1.0 // Sharp corner tolerance as percentage of chordal deviation
242 3 // Tool roll control: 0-between surfaces, 1-all edges, 2-all, if tool center bdy used
512 MPROJ.NCI // NCI filename to be projected
1 10MMFLT // Tool reference
2 25 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 10.0 // Tool diameter
6 0.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
200 0.0 // Cut angle
204 0.2 // Chordal deviation
205 1.25 // Stepover distance
210 1 // Display offset intersections: 0=no, 1=yes
221 0 // Short gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken
223 0 // Prompt for start point: 0=no, 1=yes
226 0 // Use check surfaces: 0=no, 1=yes
227 0.0 // Stock to leave on check surfaces
228 0 // Prompt for tool center boundary: 0=no, 1=yes
229 2 // Long gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
239 0.2 // Maximum short gap (along cut) as percentage of tool diameter
240 1.0 // Sharp corner tolerance as percentage of chordal deviation
242 3 // Tool roll control: 0-between surfaces, 1-all edges, 2-all, if tool center bdy used
403 1 // Z depth control: 0: absolute, 1:incremental
404 0.2 // Incremental top clearance
405 0.2 // Incremental bottom stock
407 0.0 // Absolute top depth
408 -30 // Absolute bottom depth
410 2.0 // Z stepdown
512 MPROJ.NCI // NCI filename to be projected
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
200 0.0 // Cut angle
204 0.02 // Chordal deviation
208 0 // Cutting method: 0=zigzag, 1=one way
210 1 // Display offset intersections: 0=no, 1=yes
221 0 // Short gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken
223 0 // Prompt for start point: 0=no, 1=yes
226 0 // Use check surfaces: 0=no, 1=yes
227 0.0 // Stock to leave on check surfaces
228 0 // Prompt for tool center boundary: 0=no, 1=yes
229 2 // Long gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
230 2 // Long gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
238 1 // Short gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken
239 0.2 // Maximum short gap (along cut) as percentage of tool diameter
240 1.0 // Sharp corner tolerance as percentage of chordal deviation
241 1.1 // Maximum short gap (between cuts) as percentage of stepover
242 3 // Tool roll control: 0-between surfaces, 1-all edges, 2-all, if tool center bdy used
401 0.0 // Entry radius
402 0.0 // Exit radius
403 1 // Z depth control: 0: absolute, 1:incremental
404 0.2 // Incremental top clearance
405 0.2 // Incremental bottom stock
407 0.0 // Absolute top depth
408 -30 // Absolute bottom depth
410 2.0 // Z stepdown
414 1 // Order of z cuts: 0-bottom-to-top, 1-top-to-bottom
415 1 // Cut direction: 0-conventional, 1-climb
421 0 // Graphics cleanup: 0-none, 1-redraw, 2-erase screen
423 0.02 // Minimum contour length
431 1 // Open contour cut direction: 0-zigzag, 1-one way
1 10MMFLT // Tool reference
2 25 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 10.0 // Tool diameter
6 0.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
200 0.0 // Cut angle
204 0.2 // Chordal deviation
208 0 // Cutting method: 0=zigzag, 1=one way
210 1 // Display offset intersections: 0=no, 1=yes
221 0 // Short gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken
223 0 // Prompt for start point: 0=no, 1=yes
226 0 // Use check surfaces: 0=no, 1=yes
227 0.0 // Stock to leave on check surfaces
228 0 // Prompt for tool center boundary: 0=no, 1=yes
229 2 // Long gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
230 2 // Long gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
238 1 // Short gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken
239 0.2 // Maximum short gap (along cut) as percentage of tool diameter
240 1.0 // Sharp corner tolerance as percentage of chordal deviation
241 1.1 // Maximum short gap (between cuts) as percentage of stepover
242 3 // Tool roll control: 0-between surfaces, 1-all edges, 2-all, if tool center bdy used
401 0.0 // Entry radius
402 0.0 // Exit radius
403 1 // Z depth control: 0: absolute, 1:incremental
404 0.2 // Incremental top clearance
405 0.2 // Incremental bottom stock
407 0.0 // Absolute top depth
408 -30 // Absolute bottom depth
410 2.0 // Z stepdown
414 1 // Order of z cuts: 0-bottom-to-top, 1-top-to-bottom
415 1 // Cut direction: 0-conventional, 1-climb
421 0 // Graphics cleanup: 0-none, 1-redraw, 2-erase screen
423 0.02 // Minimum contour length
431 1 // Open contour cut direction: 0-zigzag, 1-one way
1 10MMFLT // Tool reference
2 25 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 10.0 // Tool diameter
6 0.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
204 0.2 // Chordal deviation
208 0 // Cutting method: 0=zigzag, 1=one way
210 1 // Display offset intersections: 0=no, 1=yes
221 0 // Short gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken
223 0 // Prompt for start point: 0=no, 1=yes
226 0 // Use check surfaces: 0=no, 1=yes
227 0.0 // Stock to leave on check surfaces
228 0 // Prompt for tool center boundary: 0=no, 1=yes
229 2 // Long gap motion (along a cut): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
230 2 // Long gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken, 2=retract
238 1 // Short gap motion (between cuts): 0=direct, 1=broken
239 0.2 // Maximum short gap (along cut) as percentage of tool diameter
240 1.0 // Sharp corner tolerance as percentage of chordal deviation
241 1.1 // Maximum short gap (between cuts) as percentage of stepover
242 3 // Tool roll control: 0-between surfaces, 1-all edges, 2-all, if tool center bdy used
403 1 // Z depth control: 0: absolute, 1:incremental
404 0.2 // Incremental top clearance
405 0.2 // Incremental bottom stock
407 0.0 // Absolute top depth
408 -30 // Absolute bottom depth
410 2.0 // Z stepdown
414 1 // Order of z cuts: 0-bottom-to-top, 1-top-to-bottom
415 1 // Cut direction: 0-conventional, 1-climb
421 0 // Graphics cleanup: 0-none, 1-redraw, 2-erase screen
423 0.02 // Minimum contour length
431 1 // Open contour cut direction: 0-zigzag, 1-one way
441 1 // Enable quick zigzag: 0=no, 1=yes
442 0 // Allow tool to plunge outside stock: 0=no, 1=yes
444 1 // Order pockets by 0-depth, 1-level
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
30 40.0 // Feed rate
31 20.0 // Plunge rate
32 5000 // Spindle speed
33 NONE // Material
40 100 // Starting sequence number
41 2 // Sequence number increment
42 0 // Program number
50 0 // Coolant
100 2.5 // Along cut distance
101 2.5 // Across cut distance
102 0 // Blending: 0 = linear, 1 = parabolic, 2 = cubic, 3 = cubic with slope matching
103 0 // Cutting method: 0 = zz, 1 = o.w., 2 = circ., 3 = 5ax zz, 4 = 5ax o.w., 5 = 5ax circ.
104 0 // Cutting direction: 0 = along, 1 = across
105 1 // Graphics: 0 = striped, 1 = solid
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
30 40.0 // Feed rate
31 20.0 // Plunge rate
32 5000 // Spindle speed
33 NONE // Material
40 100 // Starting sequence number
41 2 // Sequence number increment
42 0 // Program number
50 0 // Coolant
100 2.5 // Along cut distance
101 2.5 // Across cut distance
102 3 // Cutting method: 0 = zig zag, 1 = one way, 2 = circular, 3 = 5 ax zz, 4 = 5ax o.w., 6 = 5ax circ.
103 0 // Cutting direction: 0 = along, 1 = across
104 1 // Graphics: 0 = striped, 1 = solid
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
30 40.0 // Feed rate
31 20.0 // Plunge rate
32 5000 // Spindle speed
33 NONE // Material
40 100 // Starting sequence number
41 2 // Sequence number increment
42 0 // Program number
50 0 // Coolant
100 2.5 // Step size
101 0.0 // Axis depth
102 1 // Shape: 0 = convex, 1 = concave
103 0 // Retract to: 0 = nothing, 1 = reference plane
104 2.5 // Reference plane height
105 N // Trim surface to: N = nothing, H = height, W = width
106 2.5 // Trimming height
107 0.0 // Trimming width 1
108 0.0 // Trimming width 2
109 1.0 // Trimming width direction 1
110 -1.0 // Trimming width direction 2
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
30 40.0 // Feed rate
31 20.0 // Plunge rate
32 5000 // Spindle speed
33 NONE // Material
40 100 // Starting sequence number
41 2 // Sequence number increment
42 0 // Program number
50 0 // Coolant
100 0 // Constant z cutting (0 = no, 1 = yes)
101 0.0 // Initial z
102 -10.0 // Final z
103 -6.35 // Z step
104 0 // Cutting method: 0 = zig zag, 1 = one way, 2 = circular
105 1.27 // Across distance
106 1 // Graphics: 0 = striped, 1 = solid
107 0 // Gouge checking: 0 = off, 1 = parallel, 2 = perpendicular
110 N // Trimming plane 1: X, Y, Z or N (none)
111 0.0 // Trimming plane 1 depth
112 0.0 // Trimming plane 1 point: x
113 0.0 // y
114 0.0 // z
115 0.0 // Trimming plane 1 normal: x
116 0.0 // y
117 0.0 // z
120 N // Trimming plane 2: X, Y, Z or N
121 0.0 // Trimming plane 2 depth
122 0.0 // Trimming plane 2 point: x
123 0.0 // y
124 0.0 // z
125 0.0 // Trimming plane 2 normal: x
126 0.0 // y
127 0.0 // z
[2d swept]
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
30 40.0 // Feed rate
31 20.0 // Plunge rate
32 5000 // Spindle speed
33 NONE // Material
40 100 // Starting sequence number
41 2 // Sequence number increment
42 0 // Program number
50 0 // Coolant
100 3.81 // Across distance
101 0.7853981634 // RZ: Roll around sharp corners
102 0.7853981634 // XY: Roll around sharp corners
[3d swept]
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
30 40.0 // Feed rate
31 20.0 // Plunge rate
32 5000 // Spindle speed
33 NONE // Material
40 100 // Starting sequence number
41 2 // Sequence number increment
42 0 // Program number
50 0 // Coolant
100 2.5 // Along distance
101 2.5 // Across distance
102 0 // Rotate (0) / translate (1) the across contour
103 0 // Cutting method: 0 = zz, 1 = o.w., 2 = circ, 3 = 5ax zz, 4 = 5ax o.w., 5 = 5ax circ.
104 0 // Cutting direction: 0 = along, 1 = across
105 1 // Graphics: 0 = striped, 1 = solid
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
30 40.0 // Feed rate
31 20.0 // Plunge rate
32 5000 // Spindle speed
33 NONE // Material
40 100 // Starting sequence number
41 2 // Sequence number increment
42 0 // Program number
50 0 // Coolant
100 t // Name of NCI file to project
101 0.005 // Minimum error from theoretical surface
102 0.025 // Minimum step size
103 2500 // Maximum step size
104 0.0 // Cutter radius fort 3d cutter compensation
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
30 40.0 // Feed rate
31 20.0 // Plunge rate
32 5000 // Spindle speed
33 NONE // Material
40 100 // Starting sequence number
41 2 // Sequence number increment
42 0 // Program number
50 0 // Coolant
100 t // Name of NCI file to project
101 0 // Add Z depths (0 = no, 1 = yes)
102 30 // Rapid depth
103 0.5 // XY step increment
104 0.0 // Offset distance
105 1 // Graphics (0 = striped, 1 = solid)
1 06MMSPH // Tool reference
2 14 // Tool number
3 1 // Tool diameter offset number
4 1 // Tool length offset number
5 6.0 // Tool diameter
6 3.0 // Tool corner radius
7 0 // Compensate to tip (0 = no, 1 = yes)
8 L // Cutter compensation in computer
9 // Cutter compensation in control
10 0.0 // Amount of stock to leave
20 30.0 // Rapid depth
30 40.0 // Feed rate
31 20.0 // Plunge rate
32 5000 // Spindle speed
33 NONE // Material
40 100 // Starting sequence number
41 2 // Sequence number increment
42 0 // Program number
50 0 // Coolant
100 t // Name of NCI file to project
101 0.025 // Minimum step size
102 2500 // Maximum step size
103 0.005 // Minimum error from theoretical surface
100 1 // Number of copies
101 0 // Ignore blocks
102 0 // Xform tool plane
103 0 // Delete the original items
104 1 // Reverse cutter compensation direction
110 90.0 // Rotation angle in degrees
111 0.0 // Rotation center: X
112 0.0 // Rotation center: Y
113 0.0 // Rotation center: Z
120 0.0 // Polar angle in degrees
121 10.0 // Polar distance
130 1.0 // Scale factor: X
131 1.0 // Scale factor: Y
132 1.0 // Scale factor: Z
133 0.0 // Scale center: X
134 0.0 // Scale center: Y
135 0.0 // Scale center: Z
140 0.0 // Translation distance: X
141 0.0 // Translation distance: Y
142 0.0 // Translation distance: Z
143 0.0 // Translate between points: From point: X
144 0.0 // Translate between points: From point: Y
145 0.0 // Translate between points: From point: Z
146 0.0 // Translate between points: To point: X
147 0.0 // Translate between points: To point: Y
148 0.0 // Translate between points: To point: Z
1 1 // Offset direction: 1=Left, 2=Right
2 10.0 // Offset radius
3 1 // Roll around corners (1=none, 2=sharp, 3=all)
4 1 // Use infinite look ahead (1=yes, 0=no)
5 1 // Number of copies
6 2 // Delete old (1=yes, 2=no)
1 t // Geometry file name
2 1 // Scale
3 0.0 // Rotation angle (in radians)
4 0 // Mirror X axis (1=yes, 0=no)
5 0 // Mirror Y axis (1=yes, 0=no)
6 0 // Mirror Z axis (1=yes, 0=no)
7 0 // Use main color and level (1=yes, 0=no)
1 1 // Tool geometry file name
2 0 // Draw tool reference (1=yes, 0=no)
3 0 // Draw auto tool (1=yes, 0=no)
4 1 // Draw toolpath (1=yes, 0=no)
5 0 // Interpolate along toolpath (otherwise endpoint)
6 1.25 // Interpolation step size
7 1 // Animated tool display (otherwise static)
8 0.0 // Run delay
9 0 // Spin the tool (1=yes, 0=no)
10 0 // Save geometry (1=yes, 0=no)
11 0 // Fit toolpath to screen
12 0 // Stop at NULL tool changes?
13 0 // NULL tool change cleanup (0=none, 1=repaint, 2=clr scrn)
14 0 // Simulate cutter compensation (1=yes, 0=no)
701 892 // Image horizontal size
702 631 // Image vertical size
703 1 // Output to screen (1=yes, 0=no)
704 10 // Always 10 (do not change)
705 20 // Number of pixels per facet
706 50 // Diffuse reflection (0-100)
707 30 // Shiny reflection (0-100)
708 20 // Shinyness of the material (0-200)
709 10000 // Perspective distance
710 0.0 // Background color #1 (R)
711 0.0 // Background color #2 (G)
712 0.0 // Background color #2 (B)
713 4 // Number of palettes
714 100 // Palette #1 - Color (R)
715 100 // Palette #1 - Color (G)
716 100 // Palette #1 - Color (B)
717 0 // Palette #1 - Associate color
718 100 // Palette #2 - Color (R)
719 0.0 // Palette #2 - Color (G)
720 0.0 // Palette #2 - Color (B)
721 12 // Palette #2 - Associate color
722 0.0 // Palette #3 - Color (R)
723 100 // Palette #3 - Color (G)
724 0.0 // Palette #3 - Color (B)
725 10 // Palette #3 - Associate color
726 0.0 // Palette #4 - Color (R)
727 0.0 // Palette #4 - Color (G)
728 100 // Palette #4 - Color (B)
729 1 // Palette #4 - Associate color
730 3 // Number of Lights
731 0.0 // Light #1 - X position
732 0.0 // Light #1 - Y position
733 1000 // Light #1 - Z position
734 100 // Light #1 - Intensity (0-100)
735 1 // Light #1 - State (1=on, 0=off)
736 1000 // Light #2 - X position
737 1000 // Light #2 - Y position
738 1000 // Light #2 - Z position
739 100 // Light #2 - Intensity (0-100)
740 0 // Light #2 - State (1=on, 0=off)
741 -1000 // Light #3 - X position
742 1000 // Light #3 - Y position
743 1000 // Light #3 - Z position
744 100 // Light #3 - Intensity (0-100)
745 0 // Light #3 - State (1=on, 0=off)
801 892 // Image horizontal size
802 631 // Image vertical size
803 1 // Output to screen (1=yes, 0=no)
804 0 // Always zero (not used)
805 20 // Number of pixels per facet
806 4 // Curvature type (1=Gauss, 2=Avg, 3=Abs, 4=Min)
807 0.25 // Minimum radius of curvature
808 250 // Maximum radius of curvature
809 0 // Always zero (not used)
810 0.0 // Background color #1 (R)
811 0.0 // Background color #2 (G)
812 0.0 // Background color #2 (B)
700 0 // Use time limits (1=yes, 0=no)
701 0 // Time limit per surface
702 0 // Time limit per batch task
703 0 // Run post processors (1=yes, 0=no)